Warhammer Fantasy Batrep Ratings - www.WFBattles.com (coming soon)

WFB Report ratings (on www.WFBattles.com) will soon include the option to rate battles and gain battle reporting reputation (I'm naming it Battle Scribe Rep).

I've been working on Star Ratings for Battle Report notes & related batrep links on other WFB forums. The update will be applied retrospectively so all battles can be rated (so don't let it stop you posting them now).

It will allow any member to rate a battle report, the rating will be aggregated to provide average ranks per WHFB report (and show the number of times it's been rated).

I'll be adding a new page for the best Fantasy Battle Scribes (ie. the people who write the best reports or make the best YouTube battle reports - ranked by Scribe Reputation).

The Battles Archive page will also be updated so you can filter/sort by battle report rating (1 to 10 stars) The pic shows what I have so far on my development server...

Best Rated Warhammer Fantasy Battle Reports