Warhammer Fantasy Domination

Battlefields page added to the WFB Stats Reckoning section.

I've just added a new page which analyses member battles by Warhammer Faction, ie. Forces of Order, Forces of Destruction and non-aligned Armies.
WFB Stats - The Scales of the Eternal War
The Scales of War
You will find:-
  • a pie chart named "The Scales of War" which shows the dominance of the 3 factions in the Eternal War plus
  • a "Bitter Rivals" analysis showing which armies share the greatest rivalry on the field of battle.

A World Embattled - The Scales of War

  • This works by aggregating the member battles which involve armies from different "factions" (eg. Destruction vs Order vs Non-Aligned).
  • Internal strife between armies from the same faction are ignored.
  • Battles are weighted according to their points value size, so larger battles count more towards the faction's dominance than smaller ones.
  • Only member wins are included in the analysis, draws do not affect dominance and losses are ignored.

Bitter Warhammer Rivals

  • Shows those rival armies, from different factions that have spilled the most blood.
  • Rivalries are ordered by ferocity of fighting (number of member battles weighted by pts value).
  • Each member army is represented against their most bitter enemy.
  • All battles count irrespective of outcome (a draw doesn't mean that heads were not lopped off!)
Rival Warhammer Fantasy Armies
the Bitterest of Warhammer Fantasy Rivalries
Many thanks to all the awesome painters who have granted me permission to use their miniature images. Their contact details are on the Warhammer Fantasy Battle Links & Credits page.