Sigmar's Warhammer Fantasy Battles - Member Polls page updated.
The Member Profile > Polls page has been changed to allow members to "opt out" of rating an army book / miniatures they haven't seen and armies they haven't faced in battle. (use the white down-left arrow - see below image).All members who rated everything 5/10 (the default) have had their ratings changed to 0 (zero) on the assumption that they did not complete the page at all.
This has improved the accuracy of the ratings and Warriors of Chaos are clearly now on top with Skaven, Dark Elves and Daemons in the next chasing pack.
See the Polls Page for the full list. See the Army Summary for a snapshot of the Polls & Hobby pages.
Please Note: Members are now awarded Prestige points for completing their Profile pages.
(the below image is an example of the voting page available to members, it is not the final poll)