WFBattles Member Prestige & Ranking

Rank and Reward system added to Sigmar's Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Warhammer Fantasy Awards

I have added an awards and ranking system to named:-

"Member's Prestige" (under the Members section).

In a nutshell it rewards members for their participation on the site.

The most important aspect of the ranking system is that it rewards most those who post the best battle notes and/or links to external batreps and YouTube videos.

You get rewarded not only for the detail of your notes and for adding links, you also receive points for every Star that another member rates your battle. To encourage members to rate other people's battles, I've increased the reward for each battle rated to 2pts (irrespective of stars awarded). Members can rate battles 1 to 10 stars by clicking the "+" in the notes "N" column on the battles page.

Members are also awarded more points for posting Losses and Draws - because it's a lot easier to share your glories than your defeats!

The prestige points are used to calculate your rank, there are 15 ranks in total from the lowly Citizen all the way up to "God" status - I doubt anybody will ever achieve such high acclaim but you never know :-)

Simply filling in your profile polls and joining a campaign alliance will move you from Citizen to Militia.

To see how all the points are allocated click the below image and open the "+ Prestige Pts key".

Feedback in the WFBR forum or the WFBattles Facebook page (PLEASE LIKE ME!). Thank you.

WHFB Battle points

Images used with the kind permission of