Add your Warhammer Fantasy batreps and have them rated and ranked.
Some new features in
- Star Rankings to enable members to rate battle report links & videos (Battles).
- Battle reporter rating for ranking best to worst batrep writers / video makers (Scribes).
- Battle raters for showing the most active batrep raters (Seers).
Coming Soon...
- Trusted / Distrusted posters :-
Two new buttons are being added to the Members Roster page to enable any member to trust or distrust the battles that have been added by another member. Anyone who is distrusted enough will be removed by default from all the ranking (although they can be added back in by manually selecting the option to do so).
- Note: Distrusted members may also be removed from forum member's "Legends" pages.
- Most Valuable Members :-
- Post battles (more points for losses and draws)
- Get awarded star ratings for their batreps & notes
- Add links to full battle reports and videos
- The level of "Trust" they have earned from other members
- Rate other member's battle reports
- Have fully completed the Hobby and Polls section of their profile
- Have joined an alliance to fight in the campaign
- Are running their own league and, last but not least...
- Have joined the battle reporter forum (it's not mandatory but it would be nice).
This will be an honours and accolades page to reward those who participate most on and our humble community. The honours system will reward those who:-