Warhammer Fantasy Battles (www.WFBattles.com) Update

Sigmar's Warhammer Fantasy Battles News & Highlights 
Bloodwrack Medusa painted minis
by www.LoserStudio.blogspot.co.uk

I'm continuing to develop new pages and features for WFBattles.com, here's a brief summary and some highlights since my last update on 21st September.

Everybody is welcome to join WFBattles.com It's FREE with no catches or spam! (I built it for fun, not money)

WFB site highlights

* become a batrep rater to earn extra Member Prestige and a rank!

Please Like my WFB News Facebook Page to keep abreast of news & to spread the word.

Recent Changes

  • Star Ratings added for battle reports & best Scribes page & Seers (raters) page
  • Batrep rating selection filter added to Battles page
  • Member's Prestige and Army Rank awards for member activity
  • "Opt out" for member army polls so, for example, you can leave an army book unrated
  • Correction to Legendary Lords ranking in Member's Profile
  • Wrappable text and carriage returns now working for battle reports

Ongoing Development work

  • Army strengths poll - covering maneuverability, magic (offence & defence), shooting and combat (offence and defence)
  • Selectable member "nickname" choices depending on prestige and battle performance (eg. from "The Humbled Citizen Dwarf" to "Dwarf King, Slayer of Daemons")
  • Vital statistics page for each army - covering all the stats and polls
  • Trusted battle reporter button to allow community to moderate itself

Future Developments

  • Most Valuable Unit selection dropdown added to AddBattle page
  • A new navigation interface, allowing visitors to quickly jump between all pages
  • Member profile option to add website/blog and avatar
  • Downloadable league results
  • Most successful player analysis by army selection choices, game size, enemy etc
  • More campaign options, possibly allowing an alliance member to target a specific enemy army

WFB Battle Statistics (from ArmiesVs and Reckoning Pages)

  • Warriors of Chaos are the most successful army, followed by Dark Elves and Ogres
  • Orcs and Goblins and Beastmen prop up the foot of the table
  • Special units are the most influential on the battlefield, followed by Core and then Custom Lords
  • Infantry are by far the most important troop type (cavalry are way behind in 2nd place)
  • Magic just trumps shooting as the most influential phase but neither are as important as combat
  • Vampire Counts players are the luckiest, Bretonnians have the most fun while Skaven roll the worst dice and are also the gloomiest ! - possibly due to those dice rolls :-)
  • High Elves are the most common foe, they most are most successful against Orcs and Goblins and are beaten most by Warriors of Chaos
  • The Dwarfs are the only race that count shooting as their most important phase
  • The Forces of Order have usurped Foces of Destruction in the eternal war (if  the Forces of Destruction and Non-aligned armies joined  a coalition then the war swing in their favour)
  • Dwarfs and Orcs and Goblins are the most bitter rivals
  • Ogre Kingdoms are the best in tournaments, Woodies have been replaced by Beastmen as the worst
  • Order of Law is winning the current fantasy campaign, followed by Rebel Realms & Mercenaries

WFB Army vs Army performance statistics

WFB Member Opinions (from Reckoning Pages and WFB Member Polls)

  • Skaven, Warriors of Chaos and Dark Elves still have the most entries in the book of Grudges
  • Lizardmen and Bretonnia are still by far the least resented by other players
  • Lizardmen are the most wanted army closely followed by Ogre Kingdoms
  • Skaven and Daemons of Chaos are the least wanted armies
  • Dwarfs have been replaced by Warriors of Chaos as the most worshipped army
  • Warriors of Chaos is by far the most feared army, while hardly anybody fears Tomb Kings
  • Vampire Counts is the best army book, Orcs and Goblins are the most collected
  • Warriors of Chaos and Skaven are believed to be the strongest armies, and poor old Wood Elves and Beastmen the still believed to be the weakest :-(
  • High Elves is the most painted army, Skaven the least so (not surprising given all those slaves!)

Forces of Destruction vs Order vs Non-aligned

All images used with the permission of their respective owners.