WHFB Army Strengths & Weaknesses Opinion Poll

A Poll has been added to Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WFBattles.com) to find the strongest and weakest characteristics of each Warhammer Fantasy Army.

painted Dark Elves Cauldron of Blood
Cauldron of Blood by
It's a question that is frequently asked by new players and debated by experienced gamers across all the Warhammer forums so I thought I'd add a poll to WFBattles in an attempt to ascertain a definitive answer.

The poll enables members to rate all the armies from 1 to 10 for the following capabilities:-
  • Maneuverability
  • Magic Offence
  • Magic Defence
  • Ranged Offence
  • Combat Offence and
  • Combat Defence
Members will find the poll in the "Profile" section (see link in the top right when you log in).

It's FREE to join WFBattles and always will be! 
(I developed it for fun not money)

You can change your opinion whenever you like and even leave an army unrated (if for example, you've never played against it or seen the army book).

Data is collated twice per day and displayed in the public Polls section (under "Army Power Ratings").

I've written some general guidance notes that members can take into account when rating armies if they like. The same notes can also be read by non-members in the "Notes" section.

Here are some screenshots...

The default page showing the top 3 armies (under the "Polls" > "Army Power Ratings" tab)...

Best and Worst Warhammer Fantasy Armies

Notes page - showing what the members might have taken into account when rating the armies...

WHFB Best Army

Movement & Magic ratings for all armies...

Best & Worst Warhammer Fantasy Armies

Ranged Offence & Combat ratings for all armies...

Best & Worst Warhammer Fantasy Armies

The Member's notes page [I'm only showing it because I like the mini pics :-)]

Images used with kind permission of www.LoserStudio.blogspot.co.uk & www.BloodyBeast.com