New 8th Ed Dwarfs Warhammer Fantasy

Just in case you missed the news, because Dwarfs are easily overlooked ;-), the stunties are back with an 8th edition WFB army book update !

It's been a long wait but then Dwarfs are fairly patient folk - which is just as well because I think it's been 9 years! Games Workshop were probably worried about all the grudges that were building up and in the interests of avoiding an axe through their corporate helmet they have decided to release a new Dwarf army book and a few new miniatures.

Going with their big is better theme of recent years, the Dwarfs are now getting Gyrobombers which deploy bouncing bombs no less and a new Gyrocopter model. There's a new character Grimm Burloksson and a new Runelord too.

Presumably, if GW follow recent practice, there will also be a second wave of models coming to ensure you can spread your purchases over more than one pay day - gulp! (edit: these are the second wave of models, I missed the first lot because I wasn't paying attention - they can all now be found on the GW website) The miniatures and book are on pre-order now so, presumably, will be on the shelves in 2 or 3 weeks.

Dwarves Army codex 2014
Warhammer Fantasy Gyro bomber
New 8th edition Dwarf Character
2014 8th ed Gyrocopter
New Dwarfs Rune Lord miniature
Images are © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.