Warhammer Tournament Rankings now on WFBattles.com

Sigmar's Warhammer Fantasy Battles - member's roster rankings now includes a tournament / friendly / all games filter

I'm pleased to report that I think I will now be able to find some time to get back to development work on www.WFBattles.com.

It's been a few weeks so I thought I'd start with a couple of easy enhancements. First up is a filter for members to view their win % rank for all games (the default) or by friendly or tournament (see the green ellipse in the image below).

You can continue to see all battles or filter out those without batrep links or extensive notes and don't forget to use the "Show member's profile..." and "Show army stats..." to check out individual members and their performance by army.

As before, members without a win or with a 100% win record are not ranked.

PS. I'll be sprucing the site up with some cool new miniature pics over the next few days.

Join Warhammer Fantasy Battles & get yourself ranked, it's FREE!

Warhammer Fantasy Player Ranking League