White Dwarf August 2009 (WD356 UK edition) in my hands !

The new White Dwarf for August 2009 (from Games Workshop)

It's in my hands and I'll be reading it tonight and tomorrow on the way to and from work (hidden in a brown paper bag !). I'll post a contents review here either tomorrow or Wednesday (ie. 21st or 22nd July 09)

It's looks to be mostly about 40k, although there's a decent looking article on Warhammer War Machine Tactics, a nice painting article on miniature faces and a large LOTR battle report - "The Last March of the Ents".

White Dwarf cover is © Games Workshop Ltd. All rights reserved. Used without permission.

Edit: 22nd July 09 :- White Dwarf Contents Review for Aug 09
posted a full 9 minutes before the stated deadline ! :D