The evidence is all there in the High Elf Army book staring all Warhammer Gamers in the face.
Silver Helms are just too expensive, Dragon Princes of Caledor are better value per point.
Here's the proof...
Upgrade a Silver Helm to a High Helm and it will cost you 16 pts for one additional attack. So a High Helm leader of a unit of Silver Helms costs a whopping 37 pts !!!
A Dragon Prince of Caledor will cost you 30 pts (7 pts less than the High Helm) and is a lot better than the High Helm with +1 Ws, +1 Initiative and +1 Leadership
If you need more convincing...
Take a normal Silver Helm + a shield for 23 points. Do you think it's worth spending an extra 7pts for
+1 attack
+1 weapon skill
+1 initiative
+1 leadership
and immunity to fire and breath weapons !
You bet it is !
NEVER use Silver Helms, use Dragon Princes of Caledor instead.
...that is, unless you know something I don't. In which case please leave a comment.
To see the new series of High Elf miniatures click here. You can buy them through that link as well.
Photo of Dragon Princes © Games Workshop Ltd. All rights reserved. Used without permission