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Warhammer Battle Reports 7th / 8thNauticans / Design Fantasy Gallery

Warhammer Rules - did Games Workshop get the concept right for Fantasy Battle in the first place ?

This is a bit of a philosophical post but I think it's something that might we worth considering for the future.

I'm thinking about a really basic game in concept here. How about instead of a rigid turn sequence and let's face it, it's as rigid as a horny Stone Troll's wotsit !

How about a freeform non turn game where players elect their moves as and when they choose and roll against a stat such as initiative to see the orders which are followed first.

The ability of troops to carry out their orders might be a function of their speed, intelligence, energy, stamina and such like. I certainly think that stamina should be taken into account in someway.

Also, to allow more freeform play how about a points cost for carrying out certain actions ?

For example, a unit might have 100 points but doesn't plan to move or enter combat at all. Why not say they can fire their missile weapons twice or three times. This would be easy to regulate, every action would have a cost.

Here's some justificatio... Consider a unit of gobbo wolf riders who move 8" and fire their bows surely those shots would be less accurate than a unit which was less rushed and only moved 2". Or maybe the 2" unit could fire twice.

It's just the beginning of my thinking along these lines. I fancy building my own system (as a very long term project !) just to see how it would compare with others out there.

Let me know what you think.

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