If you want any questions answered by a poll of my readers please reply here with your poll questions.
The next polls will run for about a month and my current question ideas are:-
1) Which Warhammer Army are you most confident of beating ?
2) Which Warhammer Armies do you least like playing against ?
Army Tactics
3) Roughly what proportion of your points do you spend on spellcasters and their arcane items ?
4) Are your tactics usually aggressive, balanced or defensive ?
5) If you are allowed to do you use special characters: always, usually, not usually, never ?
The Hobby
6) How often do you play ?
7) What size of battleground do you usually play on ?
8) Do you play LOTR or 40k ?
Gaming Morals
8) In the excitement of battle your opponent is about to forget his magic phase altogether !. Do you remind him ?
9) You make a mistake in your favour but your opponent doesn't notice. Do you tell him ?
Games Workshop
10) What would you most like GW to concentrate on next. Eg. Updating army books, introducing new armies, devising new rules, making new models, making new terrain, organising more tournaments or hosting more in store gaming.
Please feel free to comment. The above are just some thoughts which I'm happy to replace with the questions you would like answered.