WD347 Summary

Warhammer Fantasy Battle
A) 6 pages of adverts for new Chaos Models and the new Citadel Realm of Battle Gameboard.
models on sale 1st November:-
Chaos Warriors Army Book (£15, e22.50, 175dkr, 210nkr, 200sek)
5 Chaos Knights (£12, e17.5, 135dkr, 165nkr, 160sek)
10 Chaos Warhounds (£12, e17.50, 135dkr, 165nkr, 160sek)
5 metal Chaos Chosen Command (£18, e25, 200dkr, 260nkr, 250sek)
Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (£18, e25, 200dkr, 260nkr, 250sek)
Khorne Chaos Champion (£8, e12.50, 100dkr, 120nkr, 115sek)
Nurgle Chaos Sorcerer (£8, e12.50, 100dkr, 120nkr, 115sek)
models on sale 15th November:-
5 Chaos Warriors Chosen (£18, e25, 200dkr, 260nkr, 250sek)
5 Chaos Marauder Horsemen (£12, e17.50, 135dkr, 165nkr, 160sek)
Wulfrik the Wanderer (£8, e12.50, 100dkr, 120nkr, 115sek)
Sigvald the Magnificent (£8, e12.50, 100dkr, 120nkr, 115sek)
Khorne Chas Lord on Juggernaut (£18, e25, 200dkr, 260nkr, 250sek)
Citadel Realm of Battle Gameboard (£100, e160, 1250dkr, 1600nkr, 1500sek)
* I think this is cheaper than originally advertised
B) 3 new BLack Library books (2 fantasy, 1 40k)
C) 1 page advert showing Forgeworld Nurgle Ogryns
D) 16 pages of design notes on Warriors of Chaos (great piccies + 2 sample 2000pt army lists)
E) 8 pages on the new Citadel Relam of Battle board (showing alternative layouts, some optional special rules and how to paint and flock a new board)
F) The Altar of Khorne - 20 page battle report, Warriors of Chaos vs Dwarfs 3000 pts
G) 3 pages Standard Bearer column by Jervis Johnson "making painting a habit"
Warhammer 40k
A) 2 page Assault on Black Reach advert
B) 9 pages, a tale of 4 gamers - covering painting and gaming progress
C) 10 pages - tips on assembling and painting space marines
d) 6 page Eavy Metal master class - Captain Sicarius