follow the tabletop geeks gaming board project for an 8'x4' fold away battlefield on wheels ! A fantasy home-made DIY job.
Ths is one sturdy looking board. Svenn and Tewfik have assembled it for Mordheim but no reason why you can't do the same for Warhammer. It's even got a table lip to stop the dice and the fleeing troops from falling off the edge :D
Their blog follows the whole of the table making process (you can pretty much tell what they're up to in the photos). They've finished the board and have just started working on the modular terrain. Add them to your feed reader or bookmarks - I have.
(copy above text link into your browser)
Nice work guys.
PS. If you'd like to contribute to Svenn and Tewfik's project they're looking for terrain ideas, here's their list so far...