The Nautican Warhammer Battle army has been updated to draft 5.0
Important: I have only updated the pdf to draft 5.0 . The Nautican Army list blogsite still contains draft 4.0. I will update this when I can.(click army book cover to go to the Nautican Army website where you can download the army book)
The changes are mainly balancing. There are no major new units or rules just tweaks. Several rules have been simplified and some special rules removed.
draft 5.0 change summaryThe major changes have been to core units and magic items. Sandgangers have been made more vulnerable and there are restrictions on the use of Crest Riders and Sting Rays.
I have reduced the number of special rules, notably for Coral Hunters, Crest Riders, Interceptors. I also plan to make the army list less "wordy" but I have more work to do on that.
The pdf is now 63 pages rather than 66 due to the removal and simplification of rules.
We're desperate for help with play testing and we're always interested in friendly, constructive feedback here:-
The Nautican Army is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop.