Can you come up with an original and completely new and balanced Warhammer Fantasy Battle unit ?
We're hosting a competition on the Battle Reporter Forum here.Here's one of mine from my Nautican Sea based army...
Giant Crabs !
These crabs have grown huge over 300 years in the deep. They come as a mating pair and fight for the Nauticans and for one another. They are extremely difficult to kill but pity the fool who does send one to a watery grave !
Points/model: 160 pts (for the pair)
M | Ws | Bs | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | |
Giant Crab | 4 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 7 |
Unit Size: 2* (50x50mm base size per crab), Unit Strength 6 (3 per crab).
*only one pair can be taken for each 1000pts in the army
Equipment: none
Special Rules: Mating Pair (see below), Stubborn, Causes Fear
Armour Save 3+
Crab Mating Pair rules:-
In the event that one crab should die the other will (on a roll of 3-6) gain eternal hatred (every round of combat) and eternal frenzy (every round of combat). Or on a roll of 1 or 2, the surviving crab will bury itself in the ground to die and will take no further part in the battle.
Crushing Pincers:-
The pincers of a crab take little heed for shields or even plate mail armour. Once grabbed by a pincer armour is of little help as the pincer squeezes and crushes the opponent within it's own armoured coffin.

6, the crab gains +1 str
5, the crab gains +2 str
4, the crab gains +3 str
3 or better the crab gains +4 str
Granite Crush:-
The crabs grip is second to none in the Oceans, once the crab has seized it's quarry death is almost a certainty.
In the combat phase the crab can sacrifice it's normal attacks for a single granite crush attack in an attempt to try to squash it's enemy into a pulp. Roll to hit as normal, a granite crush attack causes a single str10 hit resulting in D3 wounds. The crush is so traumatic that the enemy cannot use a Regenerate save. The crush is only effective against single models up to Ogre Size (ie. unit strength 3 or less)
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