It would seem that these are unreleased and were originally planned to accompany the Lustria supplement. They were seen in the Undead section at Warhammer World so maybe, just maybe they are being ear marked (with large gold earrings no doubt !) for inclusion in a future undead release. The Vampire model would fit immediately into the undead army, it's so impressive they should release it was a supplemental special character in my opinion.
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Unreleased Miniatures seen at Warhammer World - possibly Zombie Priates and a Vampire
It would seem that these are unreleased and were originally planned to accompany the Lustria supplement. They were seen in the Undead section at Warhammer World so maybe, just maybe they are being ear marked (with large gold earrings no doubt !) for inclusion in a future undead release. The Vampire model would fit immediately into the undead army, it's so impressive they should release it was a supplemental special character in my opinion.
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