19th July (through advance order - 2 weeks before main release)
Dark Elves Spearhead
(£112, Euro 171, 1290dkr, 1610nkr, 1520sek)
2nd August
Dark Elf Army Book
(£12, euro22.50, 175dkr, 200sek, 225nkr)
Dark Elf Black Corsairs (10 plastic)
(£12, euro17.50, 135dkr, 160sek, 175nkr)
Dark Elf Cold One Knights (5 plastic)
(£12, euro17.50, 135dkr, 160sek, 175nkr)
Dark Elf Assassin
(no price quoted)
Dark Elf Dreadlord
(no price quoted)
Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress
(no price quoted)
16th August (no prices quoted)
Dark Elf Battalion
Dark Elf War Hydra
Dark Elf Lokhir Fellheart
Dark Elf Dreadlord on Cold One
Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress on Cold One
The book cover captures the feel of the army perfectly. It looks awesome.

This image is a photo of the book cover, as shown in White Dwarf DW343 July 2008. The book cover is © Games Workshop Ltd. All rights reserved. Photographed without permission.