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Warhammer Battle Reports 7th / 8thNauticans / Design Fantasy Gallery

Bretonnian Vampire Counts Warhammer Army

Not a new Warhammer Army book but a nice unusual, very different and refreshing fantasy take on Vampire Counts.

I stumbled across the Kharak Studios blog for the very first time this morning and was pleasantly surprised by some excellent miniature painting. The miniatures are indeed well painted but it's not that which caught my eye but the painting and modelling style.

Check out this rustic looking Vampire Counts army, the miniatures have a hint of Bretonnia to them and are very much undead, unlike some other more garish undead miniatures you often see on the battle ground. It really makes a very nice change in my opinion (to get a real feel for the "Bretonnic" nature of the army read the painters notes on the site).

Here's some of the other Warhammer Fantasy Battle miniature's these guys have done. I'm not sure what the deal is but I think they're in business for painting commissions for anyone interested in their style. They also do 40k.

Just pop them a comment at:

...and I guess they'll be in touch. I really like their Gobbos too....

Images used with permission from nayrelen (

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