Lengthy reviews of the new Warhammer Fantasy Battle Rulebook edition 8 (out on July 10th 2010)

These are long podcasts and I haven't had a chance to listen to all of it yet so I can't give you my opinion but I thought you might like to listen for yourself and form your own anyway.
You can go to the sites and stream or download the podcasts or use the mp3 links below which should play the mp3s in your browser.
Bad Dice (baddice.co.uk)
http://traffic.libsyn.com/baddice/baddice_episode_38.mp3 (paste into your browser)
(type: mp3, length: 2.5 hours, size: 137meg)
Waaagh cast! (waaaghcast.blogspot.com)
http://traffic.libsyn.com/waaaghcast/ep0375.mp3 (paste into your browser)
(type: mp3, length:1.5 hours, size:97meg)
BTW, I can recommend both sites which regularly produce entertaining podcasts. I imagine they're quite good to listen to while you model and paint. Enjoy.
Images are © baddice.co.uk and waaaghcast.blogspot.com. All rights reserved. Used without permission.