Sigmar's Warhammer Fantasy Battles News & Highlights
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WFB site highlights
- 586 members
- 769 Fantasy battles (incl. 353 with battle notes and 117 with links to published battle reports or YouTube videos)
- 16 Warhammer Leagues created
- 48 Warhammer Fantasy campaign participants
- Member's Prestige, Battle Scribes and Seers pages added
- 90 rated battle report writers and 25 batrep raters*
Recent Changes
- Star Ratings added for battle reports & best Scribes page & Seers (raters) page
- Batrep rating selection filter added to Battles page
- Member's Prestige and Army Rank awards for member activity
- "Opt out" for member army polls so, for example, you can leave an army book unrated
- Correction to Legendary Lords ranking in Member's Profile
- Wrappable text and carriage returns now working for battle reports
Ongoing Development work
- Army strengths poll - covering maneuverability, magic (offence & defence), shooting and combat (offence and defence)
- Selectable member "nickname" choices depending on prestige and battle performance (eg. from "The Humbled Citizen Dwarf" to "Dwarf King, Slayer of Daemons")
- Vital statistics page for each army - covering all the stats and polls
- Trusted battle reporter button to allow community to moderate itself
Future Developments
- Most Valuable Unit selection dropdown added to AddBattle page
- A new navigation interface, allowing visitors to quickly jump between all pages
- Member profile option to add website/blog and avatar
- Downloadable league results
- Most successful player analysis by army selection choices, game size, enemy etc
- More campaign options, possibly allowing an alliance member to target a specific enemy army
WFB Battle Statistics (from ArmiesVs and Reckoning Pages)
- Warriors of Chaos are the most successful army, followed by Dark Elves and Ogres
- Orcs and Goblins and Beastmen prop up the foot of the table
- Special units are the most influential on the battlefield, followed by Core and then Custom Lords
- Infantry are by far the most important troop type (cavalry are way behind in 2nd place)
- Magic just trumps shooting as the most influential phase but neither are as important as combat
- Vampire Counts players are the luckiest, Bretonnians have the most fun while Skaven roll the worst dice and are also the gloomiest ! - possibly due to those dice rolls :-)
- High Elves are the most common foe, they most are most successful against Orcs and Goblins and are beaten most by Warriors of Chaos
- The Dwarfs are the only race that count shooting as their most important phase
- The Forces of Order have usurped Foces of Destruction in the eternal war (if the Forces of Destruction and Non-aligned armies joined a coalition then the war swing in their favour)
- Dwarfs and Orcs and Goblins are the most bitter rivals
- Ogre Kingdoms are the best in tournaments, Woodies have been replaced by Beastmen as the worst
- Order of Law is winning the current fantasy campaign, followed by Rebel Realms & Mercenaries
WFB Member Opinions (from Reckoning Pages and WFB Member Polls)
- Skaven, Warriors of Chaos and Dark Elves still have the most entries in the book of Grudges
- Lizardmen and Bretonnia are still by far the least resented by other players
- Lizardmen are the most wanted army closely followed by Ogre Kingdoms
- Skaven and Daemons of Chaos are the least wanted armies
- Dwarfs have been replaced by Warriors of Chaos as the most worshipped army
- Warriors of Chaos is by far the most feared army, while hardly anybody fears Tomb Kings
- Vampire Counts is the best army book, Orcs and Goblins are the most collected
- Warriors of Chaos and Skaven are believed to be the strongest armies, and poor old Wood Elves and Beastmen the still believed to be the weakest :-(
- High Elves is the most painted army, Skaven the least so (not surprising given all those slaves!)