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Showing posts with label The Doom Seeker Warhammer Fanzine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Doom Seeker Warhammer Fanzine. Show all posts

The Doom Seeker Warhammer fanzine - Issue 8

Warhammer Fantasy fanzine cover

Bilbo Baggins has gone and done it again - the Summer 2011 issue of the Doom Seeker is out.

With the magazine's motto... "The webzine for Warhammer players who believe the game should be played for fun"... you know you're not going to be bombarded with adverts to buy things with your hard earned blood soaked gold crowns (or your lowly gutter dredged skaven pennies ;-).

Nope, this is pure fun from fellow WFB enthusiasts (which you can also contribute to by contacting BilboBaggins (no less !) though his email on The Doom Seeker pdf or via the Battle Reporter forum).

You can find all the links to this issue and previous issues in the :-

Battle Reporter Doom Seeker forum thread here

In the current issue we have:-
  • another excellent interview with Mathias about the thinking behind the Nippon army book
  • some tips from Iron Lord on "how to" visit Warhammer World in Nottingham ! (with a few thousand bucks in readies I guess !)
  • a really interesting article from Bilbo about his take on some of the rules, what he likes and what he would have done differently
  • an article on resign models that told me a great deal that I didn't know
  • a couple of short stories (I particularly like this bit... "Glorious battle had been given here, in the name of Sigmar," !)
  • a "Bulk Painting" article by Chris "wolfy" West - it sounds like he knows what he's talking about (he runs a commission painting studio) although he uses a scary expression "bulk painting is actually easy to do". He sounds like quite a friendly engaging dude to me.
  • And, lastly we have some great inspirational and extremely amusing pics (some of which you can see below) showing off Anti-Santa's Slayers (including the Celts, The Doomseekers, The Dog Whisperer, the Pirates, a "slayer-armed" Slayer bolt thrower, a slayer girl (phwoar !), and even an ogre/dwarf slayer hybrid !
WFB Celtic Slayer pics

Slayer Command Group painted models images

Ogre Slayer model big miniature

Dwarf Slayer bolt thrower photo
Doom Seeker free pdf mag

All pics used with Bilbo's kind permission.

Check out The Doom Seeker issue 7

The Doom Seeker Warhammer Fanzine PDF issue 7 pic

The Spring 2011 issue of The Doom Seeker Warhammer fanzine has just been released by none other than Bilbo Baggins himself (and a trusty and very kindly hobbit and Battle Reporter forum member he is too !)

You can download the pdf (18.4 meg) from issuu, mediafire or 4shared (all the alternative links and back issue links are available on the Battle Reporter forum here:-

The Doom Seeker Issue 7 (Spring 2011)

Here's a quick round up:-

unofficial Dogs of War army book cover
An interview with the group who put together the unofficial Warhammer Fantasy Battle Army - The Dogs of War.

An amazing 99 page Army book, well thought out, brilliantly presented and it's completely free !  You can't ask for more than that (click the cover)

A very noteworthy feature of the army is the War Academy skills that you can assign to your leaders.  It adds lots of character to your army and exposes some very original tactical options that you simply don't find in many other armies.

An interview with  Mathias (M4cR1ll3n from the Battle Reporter forum) about his Cathay Army book. Mathias actually created all of the below army books too which can all be downloaded for free from the Battle Reporter forum - they are simply brilliant - just click the pic below :)

Unofficial Warhammer Army books photos

Two articles from STEAM (a valued member of the Battle Reporter forum) about Tree scenery and assembling and painting the High Elf Griffon from the Island of Blood starter set.

High Elf Griffon painted photo

Several excellent short stories by Ironlord and Tim Kenyon.
An awesome wood elf army from The Anti Santa and Tarrak BlackHand's Dwarf Slayers.

converted Wood Elf model picture
Dwarf Slayer Standard Bearer model

Last but not least is a superb list Bilbo has put together of all the best podcasts and forums in the Warhammer world. There are forums dedicated to certain races (there's even a Gnoblar one !!) and generic forums (like Battle Reporter) that covers all armies. It's a superb resource - all credit to Bilbo.

The Doom Seeker Warhammer Fanzine - Issue 6 PDF

The Doom Seeker Warhammer Fanzine issue 6 cover

The latest edition of the Warhammer Fanzine - The Doom Seeker (Winter 2010) has just been released as a FREE pdf.

BilboBaggins and his fellow Doom Seekers have put together another excellent Warhammer Fanzine for Fantasy Battle players.

Before the review, I should say that the guys now have a Facebook Group for anyone who's like to follow them and/or contribute to future issues:-

Search for :- "The Doom Seekers" in Facebook

You can find the latest issue (and contribute to future ones) on the Battle Reporter forum here:-

Battle Reporter Forum publications - The Doom Seeker

So, here's a brief review...

Pages: 38, size, about 17meg, Editor: Bilbo Baggins (himself !)

As always, presented with a refreshing, non-self-advertising this is how it really is attitude. The eZine contains some cool articles:-
  • A very nice review of the Kislev Army book by Mathias (the designer).
  • An Island of Blood Review
  • Seeing the world from a Gnoblar viewpoint !
  • Winter Gaming Scenarios and terrain ideas
  • Some characters from the new (unofficial) Dogs of War army book
  • A character profile for... Monna Lissa !?!
  • Creating Portals - getting the 3D effect
  • The Blades in the Sotrm - a short story by Ironlord.
  • Grubbi Chronicles - by, you guessed it Grubbi (A Gnoblar !)
  • The Fall of the Lone Rider - by Ironlord
  • Expression in Runes - an excellent Lizardmen Temple Guard conversion.
  • Commentary and a couple of interesting mentions of Armies of Arcana - a new rule set to recreate a more real life battlefield and Kings of War (by former GW Alessio Cavatore).
Island of Blood Review

Anyway, in a nutshell it's a worth while download and an interesting read.

Doom Seeker 5 WFB Fanzine Released

The fan-made Warhammer Fantasy Battle pdf eZine from Bilbo Baggins for Autumn 2010 for free download or viewing online.

Bilbo Baggins really is a great guy. He's the editor-in-chief and inspiration behind The Doom Seeker magazine and a very welcome and valued contributor* to the Battle Reporter forum - where all the friendliest Hammerers live !

* Bilbo has loads of "rep" on our forum for all his great contributions and input. Check out Bilbo's Library of Warhammer Fantasy Resources (ask nicely and Bilbo will grant your wishes !)

Bilbo has provided 3 different ways to download (20 meg) or view The Doom Seeker issue 5 here.

The Doom Seeker Issue 5 is a 48 page tome of Warhammering entertainment.

In summary the issue contains:-

A feature on Warhammer podcasts and links to 6 of the best including an interview with David Witek and Christopher Barnette at GarageHammer (the guys who put together a marathon show for the Warhammer 8th edition rulebook launch).

I hadn't actually heard of garagehammer before now but they sound like such friendly and cool guys I'll be tuning in from now on. Podcasts are actually great to listen to while you're blogging or, I suspect, painting (although I am too scared to paint at the moment - but that's another topic !)

An interview with the designer of the unofficial (and awesome!) Araby army book, Mathias (or M4cR1LL3n to give him his forum name).

Mathias talks about the inspiration behind the book, how he went about it, where you can get the minis, and, what sounds like his favourite army feature - Holy War ! Army wide frenzy for a single turn.

(My personal favourites are the Genies, the Flying Carpets and the Sandwraiths).

Mathias writes...  "The army is played in a similar way of Dark ELves/Wood Elves, combined with the big infantry units of the Empire."

And, wait for it...

Mathias is working on his 7th WFB army book - Estalia.

If you haven't been following these army books then you have been seriously missing out !  They are of an extremely high quality and are totally free to view online or download as a pdf - there are no catches whatsoever !

You can find all 7 FREE unofficial Warhammer Army Book pdfs here.

  • Some excellent articles by Ironlord, one of the major contributors and a great writer:-
  1.   A nice take and critical review on essential, non-essential and plain "nice-to-have" items accompanying the new rulebook release.
  2.   Reviews of the new "True Line of Sight" rules and the Terrain rules "reboot".
  3.   A Warhammer story "A Firewolf Saga : The Battle of Dead Canyon"
  • A story "Black Wolves Still Live" by James Daniel Darr - (author of Path of Vampiric Verse)
  • Some modeling articles, terrain making by STEAM and movement trays and A Vision of Chaos by Ironlord.
  • And finally and interestingly, Bilbo's thoughts on the 8th edition rule changes. I particularly like his point about Breath Weapons "did the pilot light go out" - lol.
Thanks again to Bilbo and co. for coming up with a friendly, engaging and very pleasing issue to read.

On a personal note, I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to Bilbo for not delivering on my promise to submit an article covering the Nauticans. I promise (again !) to do so for the next edition and I'll make sure it includes some unique insights.

Note: I haven't gone into much depth in this review simply because I haven't read the magazine cover to cover yet (esp. the stories) but I will once I get near the printer at work ;)  I've skimmed through and read bits and pieces and it's been great so far. I promised to get this online tonight, so, here you go.

Dogs of War Online release Gold and Glory Issue 3

Another great Online Fanzine for Warhammer Fantasy Battle !

Created by the guys at and produce by the same guy who puts together the excellent Word of Hushut.

It's small (at 19 pages) but sweet with a very good Mercenary Tactica.

You can view it online here:-

Download it here:-

or even contribute to the eZine project by contacting the guys here:-

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