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Battle Royale - small correction (night goblin no more !)
I have made a small error I'm sorry to say. I gave the night goblin a giant wolf to ride but have just realised that he can only infact ride a giant squig - whoops !
So, what I have done is to make him into a normal goblin (rather than a night goblin), basically it gives him +1 leadership and he no longer hates Dwarfs as night goblins do. Unfortunately this means he costs 10pts more and a few more points than any other character in the Warhammer Battle Royale.
I was going to remove/change some magic items but it doesn't seem fair to radically change him after so many people have already voted for a winner. So, I have left him the same in all regards and increased his points value - he is now a normal goblin and not a night goblin.
Legendary Saviour and Protector of the Empire :)
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