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Is Warhammer Fantasy Battle the superior tabletop format ?
Games Workshop have put so much thought and so many years into their Warhammer Fantasy Battle franchise it's hard to think of any other game system coming close.
The number of Warhammer races and different army lists for a start and the number of choices and amount of customisation must make it very hard to beat. Also, let's not forget the fabulous artwork and presentation of the game and every single army list (it makes me want to buy every book !).
Does anyone know of any comparable games which might have an edge over WHFB ?
Please do not suggest Warhammer 40k, it simply does not cut the mustard in comparison. There are a lot fewer tactical options in the 40,000 game in my opinion. Also, I personally find there is less characterisation and the games (probably unsurprisingly !) seem less realistic. Warhammer Fantasy Battle is where the soul is in the GW world I think, even if it has become a far less popular game than Warhammer 40k which seems to fill up the gaming boards and has a near monopoly on the tabletop terrain types on gaming days.
I'd be interested in any thoughts you have and any rival game formats. In my opinion it really would have to be something quite special to beat WFB but I'm all ears if you have any suggestions.
PS. The Battle Royale fighting will begin very, very soon :)
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