One of the items is a must have if you're fighting a Chaos or Skaven army because they suffer -3 on their rolls as a result of any psychology tests they have to make as a result of the bearer or unit he is with - remember Ogres cause Fear.
If you're fighting Skaven or Chaos you must take this item. It's called the Brahmir Statute.
There are 2 other items of note.
Greyback Pelt
... that can only really be used by a Hunter or an independent Tyrant and only if you have no Yhetees in the army. It allows you to treat difficult terrain as open ground and you're character gets a -1 to hit in close combat.
Useful, particularly against Wood Elves hidind in Forests ! But expensive for 35 pts.
The other items that could come in handy to find out where the enemy's magic items are is :-
Rock Eye
...1 unit in line of sight of the bearer must reveal to the bearer all the magic items and hidden things within the unit (no need to say who carries what for magic items)
This would be very useful before you enter combat - to help avoid or counter any 'nasty suprises' the enemy has up his sleeve.
particularly useful against 'magic heavy' or hidden assassins/special rule units. Like all Elves, Vampire Counts, Tomb Kings and Skaven. Or where you are specifically trying to avoid a certain magic item such as Van Horstmann's Speculum (Empire).