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Chaos Daemons Rumours (boxed contents) & Hordes of Chaos update (how it works with the new Daemon rules)
The book is out in May 2008, meaning that some stuff goes on sale late in April.
How will this army book interact with the Hordes and Beasts of Chaos army book?
It appears that it is a stand-alone book, similar to how the Daemonic Legion
list was and how the Daemon Codex for 40K has been confirmed to be.
What about the Daemons in the Hordes of Chaos book?
It would appear that these are used as they currently are until the Hordes book is redone in November this year. So for about six months there will be two sets of rules for Bloodletters, Daemonettes, etc.
New models
Daemon Prince??? (box of 1 plastic model?)
Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut? (box of 1 metal mini)
Bloodletters of Khorne (box of 10 plastic minis)
Daemonettes of Slaanesh (box of 10 plastic minis)
Flesh Hounds of Khorne? (box of 5 metal minis?)
Fiends of Slaanesh? (box of 5 metal minis)
Beast of Nurgle (box of 1 metal mini?)
Horror command group (box of 3 metal minis)
Plaguebearer command group (box of 3 metal minis)
Daemon Spearhead box (32 minis)
-10 Bloodletters
-10 Daemonettes
Thanks to Jared Van Kell @ librarium-online. For compiling all these form various sources.
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