The GW news site announcing the free catalogue (1st Feb 08)
Sadly this page no longer exists on the new Games Workshop website :(
Remember some of these oldies:-
Valten and
Dwarf Adventurers,
(for the RPG gamers)
Well they're all still available through Games Workshop and the prices are shown in the catalogue above with lots of neat pictures.
It's also a good place to check out the Dogs of War units in a bit more detail. They are also still available and the below are listed in the catalogue.
Alcatani Fellowship
Leopolds Leopard Company
Ricco's Republican Guard
Braganza's Beseigers
Voland's Venators
Pirazzo's Lost Legion
Marksmen of Miragliano
Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks
Long Drong's Slayer Pirates
Ruglud's Armoured Orcs
Tichi Huichi's Cold One Raiders
Mengil Manhide's Manflayers
(Mengil & his buddies)
The Bitz Catalogue includes Warhammer 40k and Lord of the Rings too.
Happy reading and soaking up the eye candy.
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