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Warhammer Fantasy Battle Tabletop Gaming Blog Poll Results (Feb 2008) - including the most popular Warhammer Army
1) which models do you like most ? (select 4)
76 (33%) Wood Elves
61 (26%) Vampire Counts
54 (23%) Orcs & Goblins
52 (23%) Dwarfs
50 (22%) Hordes of Chaos
49 (21%) High Elves
43 (19%) Dark Elves
43 (19%) Tomb Kings
41 (18%) Bretonnia
39 (17%) Lizardmen
32 (14%) Beasts of Chaos
28 (12%) Skaven
27 (11%) The Empire
25 (11%) Daemon Hordes
24 (10%) Ogre Kingdoms
15 (6%) Dogs of War
2) I chose the army(s) to collect mainly because I like the :-
39 (43%) Models
27 (30%) Character of the army
17 (18%) Gaming style
4 (4%) Potential for winning
3 (3%) Army book
3) which Warhammer Army books do you own ?
stat attack : people own almost 5 army books each !
120 (43%) Orcs & Goblins
118 (42%) Hordes of Chaos
111 (40%) Vampire Counts
108 (38%) Dwarfs
105 (37%) High Elves
102 (36%) The Empire
97 (35%) Beasts of Chaos
97 (35%) Wood Elves
94 (33%) Dark Elves
87 (31%) Lizardmen
84 (30%) Bretonnia
84 (30%) Tomb Kings
75 (27%) Skaven
65 (23%) Ogre Kingdoms
4) normally, how long are your 2000pt games ?
70 (67%) 2-4 hours
20 (19%) 4-6 hours
9 (8%) less than 2 hours (!)
5 (4%) 6+ hours
5) How many of your miniatures are painted ?
stat attack: about 1/4 of all armies are almost fully painted !
35 (38%) I paint when I can
22 (23%) Almost all of them !
19 (20%) 50% plus
16 (17%) I like tactics not painting
6) do you play for fun or is it a life or death competition ?
31 (51%) I like to win if I possible
24 (40%) I just play for fun
4 (6%) I never lose !!!
1 (1%) If I lose I melt down my models and buy a new army !
7) are you a Warhammer romantic ? (select as many as you like)
It looks like there are definitely a good few romantics out there !
36 (60%) my army must look good on the battlefield
27 (45%) my best painted model is always my general
23 (38%) I don't field figures I don't like
15 (25%) my army is a killing machine it needs no names, paint or romantics
13 (21%) I name all my figures
5 (8%) I record all my victories for prosterity
4 (6%) I will not play against an unpainted enemy army
Many thanks to all those who contributed,
PS. One for my reference only:-
Do the adverts on this site annoy you ?
12 (31%) I ignore them :)
9 (23%) they add some character
9 (23%) I often look at the eBay ones
2 (5%) no, I don't notice them
6 (15%) yes, a lot !
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