I've been toying with a plan to hatch a new blogsite covering only Warhammer Battle Tactics.
I'd like to give it a really nice fresh look, make it very easy to navigate around and unintrusive (ie only relevant tactica posts).
The idea would be to invite tactical opinions through my forum and then I will collate the best bits into battle tactics posts for each army. I'd like to go as far as giving suggestions and ideas for how to beat every single other army.
Anyway, I'll stop going on about it and am inviting your opinions and ideas. Is it worth doing and how do you think it should look ?
I definitely plan to include a large Warhammer beginners
section covering all the basics and frequently asked questions (faq).
I will also closelylink it with this site so you can navigate and jump between the two easily. The current site might be used more for news and general topics while the tactica site can include battle videos too.
What do you think ? I could really use some suggestions and ideas from you folks.
Thanks for any ideas you have. Please comment in this thread.
All the best,