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A new Halfling Army Book for Warhammer Fantasy Battle

The Warhammer Halflings PDF army book is ready for download or viewing online - the Hungry Horde are coming for dinner !

WFB Halfings Army Book PDF cover
Another masterpiece from Mathias - he's probably contributed more to the unofficial World of Warhammer than anybody else - ever !! 

(see the foot of this post for all the other unofficial army books that Mathias has developed or contributed to, plus some unofficial armies developed by other Battle Reporter Community members).

Halfling Warhammer Army Book PDF

Halfling Army Book Discussion

Right, that's enough hero-worshiping, let's take a look inside the book. I'm excited about spreading the news so am writing this as I go along so please bear in mind I haven't used this army in battle or even read the whole book properly - yet. These are my first impressions.

(this army book is completely unofficial and is not endorsed by Games Workshop)

The book is a pdf document, 80 pages long (about 32 meg) and split into 4 main sections;
  • The Hungry Horde
  • The Land of the Moot
  • History of the Moot and
  • Bestiary
and of course the Introduction and how could you not be charmed by this army...

"The Halflings of the Moot are a peaceful and pastoral people, but their bravery in defence of their homeland should not be doubted. Their armies are primarily made up of Halfling Militia fighting with whatever weapons the can come up with, but they also bring their dangerous farm yard animals, hot soup and angry wives with them, making them a small but dangerous foe to face!"

Halflings for Warhammer Battle artwork

The Hungry Horde spans about 9 pages and details the appearance, behaviour and general Halfling culture (with mentions of their predilection towards adventuring and thievery and their resistance to magic and a short story about, what else... the famous Halfling Hotpot). As always, it is extremely well written (unlike my blog) and engaging and you soon begin to get that familiar "this is an army I could really love" feeling creeping up from your hairy toes.

The Land of the Moot as you would expect is all about the geography and position of The Moot in the Olde World, it covers 9 pages and ends with a handy map of the Mootland.

The History of the Moot is superb and really brings the Halfling people to life, it contains a couple of short stories and finishes with a Timeline Chronicle - things really did look so good for them, especially with the discovery of a new type of potato in 1162,  until Gorbad !

Bestiary ! this really is a work of brilliance, Mathias has let his imagination run amok and we're all the better off for it because the end result is a classic army book full of fantastic, original ideas and units.

Some of my favourite moments browsing the Bestiary...

Both Special Army Wide rules
 - "Unquenchable Appetite" which uses the "Before Battle Meal" table.  A good meal can mean anything from a stubborn unit, +1 strength or a psychology re-roll whereas stale biscuits (!!!!) can lead to a leadership breakdown although suffering units do become subject to hatred - yes Halflings really do like their grub :)
 - Short and Stout - making the shorties difficult to hit.

Moot Magic with the spell names of Hearth, Home, Kith, Kin, Feast and Famine - inspired!
(The magic is nearly all augment in nature, which is quite appropriate; halflings aren't actually that great at magic and are better at dispelling than casting)

The Special Rules for the Master Chef (which all depend on the stew that he simmers, the spices he adds and a roll of the scatter dice to see which direction the wind carries the aroma across the battlefield - once again inspired !)

The Master Thief who can steal magic items from enemy characters - yes, at last enemies will now spend 100 pts on their death star unit-supporting magic items at their peril :)

Hobilar "Fast Cavalry" pony riders - who are prone to falling off !

Housewives who go into a frenzy if their male-folk are hurt - now that probably is very scary.

and, wait for it....

Swan Riders and Ram Riders !

Swans count as flying cavalry with archer riders (with a handy ballistic skill of 5) and Rams deliver impact hits (up strength 5 per ram in base contact).

Reaper and Shearer with their "Get Off My Land!" stubborn rule - yet again, inspired !

The Beekeeper with his Beeswarms !

The Pantry Guard - LOL, honestly, I feel like crying this is so great :)  Pantry Guard is the name of the fellows who protect the grub in the "Chuck Wagon" which acts a bit like a BSB. Awesome.

Dawg Riders :)

With their "Go Get 'Em Boy!" rule :-

"Dawgs are especially eager
when moving in on their prey as it usually means
food (or at least the promise of food!). Whenever a
unit of Dawg Riders charges, pursues or overrun,
they may re-roll the dice to see how far they move."

The Halflings benefit from some slightly tougher support in the shape of Moot Ogres and the Half-Tank and the Hot pot should prove useful against highly armoured opposition.

The Magic Item list is called "Hand-Me-Downs and Bric-A-Brac" - ROFLMAO - brilliant.

There are about 40 items, which are probably a bit weaker than those you're used to. Most of them are "augment-like" items and fit the theme perfectly.

Sigmar's Summary

This is my favourite unofficial army list to date - it's brilliant !

Packed full of inspiring ideas and with so much character it makes you want to drink some Alice in Wonderland potion to half your height. This book presents you with an army you'll want to cherish, one where you'll put a name tag on the underside of each miniature base. I suspect anyone collecting this army will spend as much time working on ways to theme their army with portable soup kitchens, hot dog stands and banners adorned with culinary sayings as they do on the army list itself.

I don't expect you to collect this army but do yourself a favour, download it, print it off and have a great time reading it !

Anyway, for a quick round up, click on the Bestiary Summary below for a bigger pic:-

Warhammer Fantasy Battle Halfling Army Reference Sheet

I can't thank Mathias enough for all the hard work he has put into these unofficial armies. If you enjoy them as well, please join the forum and let him know, his member name is M4cR1II3n.

Be part of the creative community and get more from your hobby.

FREE fan-made WFB Army Book pdfs

Killing Blow - a new forum game

There can be only one !

We've just started a new Hurt or Heal forum thread game in the Battle Reporter forum for anybody interested. Just post your actions up to once per day. Here are the contestants :-

    a female Ogre !
  1. Arachnarok
  2. Bat Swarm
  3. Black Guard
  4. Chaos Warriors
  5. Dwarf Warriors
  6. Flagellants
  7. Forsaken
  8. Giant
  9. Inner Circle Knights
  10. Knights of the Realm
  11. Leopold's Pikemen
  12. Maneaters
  13. Outriders
  14. Saurus Warriors
  15. Squig Hoppers
  16. Temple Guard
  17. Treekin
  18. Varghulf
  19. Warsphinx
  20. Zombies

Image of hot female Maneater Ogre © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.

FAQ for Warhammer Beginners - can you help us complete it ?

New starters to Warhammer Fantasy Battle usually have a lot of questions and we'd like your help trying to answer them :- Fantasy Battle Beginner FAQs.

Shaggoth vs Necrosphinx Battle photo
Below are the initial questions :-

1) Armies with the Most "Character"
2) Army you most enjoy taking into Battle
3) Armies with the "Best" Miniatures
4) Easiest Armies to Paint
5) Easiest Armies to use in Battle
6) Enemy you least enjoy fighting against
7) Most Collected Armies
8) Most Enjoyable Armies to Collect

We're also completing a template for every single Warhammer Army book which is going to give a current overview of the army, a summary of it's characteristics, it's general strengths and weaknesses and thus who the army might appeal to.

If you'd like to get involved please complete the above polls and, if you want to get more involved, check out the Warhammer Army Comparison Template here, and volunteer to help with one or more of the armies.

Thanks folks,

Image is Necrosphinx vs Shaggoth by Gregory Rossetto from the Battle Reporter Facebook Group (album)

The most essential WFB Rare Units - Voting has Begun

From some old time favourites like the Steam Tank and Bretonnian Trebuchet through to the new kids on the block like the Ogre Ironblaster and Necrosphinx - which will you choose ?

Here's the list folks, now get debating and voting :-)

Note: you can change your vote at any point during the debate if, for instance, someone successfully manages to bribe, blackmail, threaten or even persuade you with the strength of their argument!

the Essential Rare Fantasy Battle Units debate
Fantasy Battle Rare Units debate

  1. Ancient Stegadon
  2. Blood Knights
  3. Bretonnian Trebuchet
  4. Casket of Souls
  5. Chaos Warshrine
  6. Dark Elf Hydra
  7. Dwarf Organ Gun
  8. Eagles
  9. Empire Flagellants
  10. Ghorgon
  11. Goblin Doom Diver
  12. Gyrocopter
  13. Hellpit Abomination
  14. Necrosphinx
  15. Ogre Ironblaster
  16. Salamanders
  17. Skaven Doomwheel
  18. Snotling Pump Wagon
  19. Steam Tank
Image is © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.

Best Magic Item is a Dispel Scroll

Dispel scrolls were viewed by some as essential in 7th edition tournaments and even though 8th edition Warhammer rules limit you to one, it seems that the humble scroll hasn't lost it's appeal in Fantasy Battles.

Here are the magic items* ranked in descending order of % of members voting for that item.

* from the 8th edition Rulebook only, not the magic items in the army books

The best Magic Items in the 8th Edition WFB Rulebook

a wizard pic for magic items, scrolls and debating competitions!
14% ¦ Dispel Scroll - MrSeb
10% ¦ Crown of Command - pippin_nl
8% ¦ Fozzrik's Folding Fortress- Eternal Knight
8% ¦ Ironcurse Icon - Painted by G
7% ¦ The Terrifying Mask of Eee! - Mosk
6% ¦ Talisman of Preservation - whitewolf14
6% ¦ Dragonbane Gem - Telepfenion
5% ¦ Sivejir's Hex Scroll - Coinsmith1
5% ¦ Banner of Eternal Flame - teclis
4% ¦ Arabyan Carpet - Tomsche
4% ¦ Sword of Swift Slaying - strigoi
3% ¦ Potion of Foolhardiness - Kefka
3% ¦ Earthing Rod - Grim Squeaker
3% ¦ Standard of Discipline - Nithavela
3% ¦ Forbidden Rod - Drummyralf
3% ¦ Wailing Banner - Baelspar
3% ¦ Tormentor Sword - aaron88
2% ¦ Armour of Destiny - Noble Korhedron

Miniature is an old Talisman Wizard painted by Mr Saturday, one of the Battle Reporter forum members.

Essential Rare Warhammer Units

Another day, another Fantasy Battle tactica debate :)
Nominate the most important rare unit in Warhammer fantasy battle - simple heh?!

Rare Warhammer Units Ranked

* when I say "most important" or (heaven forbid...) "best" I mean the most influential from the point of view of it's own army. So for instance, is a Steam Tank more important for the Empire army or the Casket of Souls more important for Tomb Kings.

Lot's of reputation on offer to the winners and every entry gets +1 rep and of course our respect and a pleasant "thanks fr entering" message :)

The entries so far:-

Steam Tank
Casket of Souls
Great Eagles
Dark Elf Hydra
Dwarf Organ Gun
Ogre Ironblaster
Ancient Stegadon
Snotling PUmp Wagon
Skaven Doomwheel
Chaos Warshrine
Bretonnian Trebuchet

Image is © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.

Fozzrik's Folding Fortress to the Tormentor Sword

Vote for your favourite Warhammer Magic Items from the 8th edition Fantasy Battle rulebook.

Death Knell Watch Tower by Games Workshop
Here are the entries and forum members :-
  1. Fozzrik's Folding Fortress- Eternal Knight
  2. Arabyan Carpet - Tomsche
  3. The Terrifying Mask of Eee! - Mosk
  4. Sword of Swift Slaying - strigoi
  5. Ironcurse Icon - Painted by G
  6. Potion of Foolhardiness - Kefka
  7. Earthing Rod - Grim Squeaker
  8. Talisman of Preservation - whitewolf14
  9. Armour of Destiny - Noble Korhedron
  10. Dispel Scroll - MrSeb
  11. Dragonbane Gem - Telepfenion
  12. Sivejir's Hex Scroll - Coinsmith1
  13. Standard of Discipline - Nithavela
  14. Crown of Command - pippin_nl
  15. Forbidden Rod - Drummyralf
  16. Wailing Banner - Baelspar
  17. Banner of Eternal Flame - teclis
  18. Tormentor Sword - aaron88

And the photo of Death Knell Watch, the new GW scenery piece is about as close as I could get to Fozzrik's Folding Fortress and it also constitutes GW news so here you go :) It's a new release in their terrain and scenery collection and a fine tower it is too (with very useful ledges !)

Image is © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.

Outstanding Warhammer Promise

These guys have never lost a battle, they win all the painting tournaments they enter (which is all of them)  and when they enter the prison canteen even the Chaos Gods shuffle to the side !

These are... the Battle Reporters and we're inviting the minions (that's you !) to join us. If you have the million dollar entry fee and have a win record of at least 1000-0 then you might be accepted into the new apprenticeship scheme by the Council of Gaming Titans.

Apply within and live your Warhammer dream - if you dare !

You will need a real email address to register (just set up a fake gmail/hotmail account if you want). We have to send you an "activate your account" email otherwise advertising spambots attack our forum and even though we're rock hard we cannot always find the time to travel to the respective countries to beat them up ! :(

A Friendly Fantasy Battle forum with no trolls - we have troll slayers instead ;-), no flame wars (the Nautican's extinguish them) and no nonsense that you find on larger forums.
Warhammer Fantasy Battle forum

We're seeking new members to try to boost our activity and hammering fun.

We only have one important rule... to be friendly.

If you're a friendly kind of Ogre, Orc, Elf, Daemon, Vampire, Skaven, Human or even Dwarf (!) and you're looking for a friendly WFB forum, we might be what you're after.

  • Cover all Warhammer Armies
  • Host 15 unofficial Warhammer Army Book PDFs that are free to download or view online
  • Have a dedicated Painting forum, painting contests and award winning painters
  • Host tactical competitions and debate
  • Have many veteran and tournament winning players
  • Have our very own text based Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay forum
  • Post the latest news for your opinions and comments
  • Have an awesome slideshow containing member miniature pics
  • Have links to hundreds of battle reports and an amazing model gallery
  • Cover all of the other Games Workshop products
  • We even have an arcade with browser games for when you're bored !
  • Have our own Facebook Warhammer Battle Reporter's Group
You'll need a valid email address to authenticate your account to stop the spambots posting adverts!

Be part of the creative community and get more from your hobby.

Miniature painted by our forum member and award winning painter named "Dims". Used with permission.

Ogre Rhino Cavalry -

Surely this fella should be called "Ogre on Rhinosaurus" ? He's named an "Ogre War Rhino" but I have to say that he looks a bit more "Dino" than "Rhino" to me. Still, it's a very cool mini.

The whole model is excellent and the Ogre especially so - the facial features are perfect.

Anyway, here you go... if you're in the business of Ogres on Dinosaurs.... He'd make a brilliant Ogre Tribe "King" - watch your back Greasus !

Ogre Kingdom Cavalry alternative Miniature

Image is © All rights reserved. Used without permission.

Mantic, Avatars of War Undead Deal

Look what just appeared in my inbox ! A superb miniature deal by Mantic Games in association with - one of the all time best miniature makers - Avatars of War.

Mantic Games Vampire Undead Deal
Ok, you only get one Avatar Vampiress but nonetheless, look at the price (£75 GBP) for all those miniatures (121 including 10 Knights !)

There are 110 troopers (or should I say "shamblers") plus 10 mounted Knights (or is that "rusty buckets") ;-) Anyway, as I've reported before, the Mantic miniatures are of a very good standard and they represent great value for money (although I wish they would improve some of the photos on their site to show them off in a better light - literally!)

(please paste the above link into your browser, so I don't have to come back and sort out the broken link if Mantic take their special army deal down one day)

BTW, the Vampire Countess alone usually costs about £10 GBP, they also ship for free a you get a Kings of War rulebook - an outstanding bargain that is to be applauded (hence this post).

Well done to Mantic Games.

The Vampiress is a real work of art and comes with 4 excellent variations for her (or should that be "it's") left army either holding out a staff, extending a sword, extending her arm or retracting her hand.

Vampire Countess miniature photo

Images are © Avatars of War. All rights reserved. Used without permission.

A bit of an after thought but here's a decent YouTube of the Skeleton Regiment sprues...

Troublesome Warhammer Enemies !

Warhammer Tactics FAQ

A debate on how to counter the most problematic Fantasy Battle enemy units. I'm hoping we can build this one into a bit of a general Warhammer Tactica FAQ.

If you think you have good tactical advice to offer then please feel free to join the discussion, earn some forum reputation, the respect of the guys (and girls!) and you might even have fun :-)

Just choose an enemy unit that causes you grief, explain why and then provide advice on how people can deal with that unit in their battles - easy heh !

Dealing with "Problem" Units in an Enemy's WFB Army

Image is © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.

The Best Fantasy Battle Magic Item

best Warhammer Fantasy Battle Magic items

The latest Warhammer debate focuses on the best magic weapons, armour, talismans, standards, enchanted and arcane items in the 8th edition WFB rulebook.

If you think you know which is the most essential, must-have magic item which beats all others hands down (on a point-for-point basis) then you should join the debate.

Become part of our community, earn forum reputation points, gain the respect of our members and most importantly... join in the fun :)

As soon as we have plenty of entries we'll kick off a poll for your votes.

Debate and vote for the best WFB magic items

Warhammer Special Characters Ranked

The results are in, the "best" to the "worst" Fantasy Battle characters.

Bretonnian Green Knight is best Warhammer Character
Obviously, it's all very subjective and dependent on game conditions, your army selection, your enemy and how you use the units but in a general point-for-point competition, here is what our forum members thought :-

WFB Special Character rankings & strengths & weaknesses discussion

(the forum thread is still open so feel free to add to the debate).

% of all voters who chose these units in their top 10.

11% ¦ The Green Knight
7% ¦ Teclis
7% ¦ Thorgrim Grudgebearer
6% ¦ Mannfred von Carstein
6% ¦ Skarsnik & Gobbla
6% ¦ Grand Theogonist Volkmar
5% ¦ Karl Franz
5% ¦ Nagash
5% ¦ Grombrindal
4% ¦ Krell
4% ¦ Kairos Fateweaver
4% ¦ Chakax
4% ¦ Ikit Claw
4% ¦ Settra, Tomb King of Khemri
3% ¦ Alith Anar
3% ¦ Wulfrik
3% ¦ Greasus Goldtooth
3% ¦ Eltharion the Grim
3% ¦ Crone Hellebron
3% ¦ Drycha
2% ¦ Khazrak
2% ¦ Vilitch the Cursling

176 votes cast.

Image of The Green Knight is © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.
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