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Warhammer Fantasy Battle Database Update

Current edition army books only filter, 5,000 searchable battles archive, double batrep notes and more exclusive member accolades.

Hi folks, I've been tweaking the database and current pages in the run up to version 2 which I'm working on now.

by Myles David of LilLegend Studio
by Myles David of LilLegend Studio

Recent enhancements have been...

  • a filter to the ArmiesVs page which shows the stats for only the current army book editions.
  • now you can add up to 3,000 characters to your battle notes (increased from 1,500).
  • you can now search all of the existing battles (up to 5,000), view them and rate them to keep a track of which batreps you've read and watched - and to earn prestige points.
  • a new button to show the best rated battles that you haven't already rated yourself.
  • the Member Accolades page has been tweaked to make the achievements tougher to attain (see the in-page "key").

Here are some screenshots, click the pic to go to the respective page...

ArmiesVs - current army edition battle stats only

WFBattles - Army vs Army stats

Up to 3,000 characters in your battle notes

WFBattles add battle tracker

Search archive of up to 5,000 battles (and best battles you have not yet rated - green button)

Database for WFB batrepss

Member accolades for the best players posting battle reports

Awards for best WFB players

All images used with the kind permission of their respective owners (see Links & Credits)
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